Golden Light


by Hailey Sullivan

Graphite Pencil

16” x 20”

About Hailey

For as long as I can remember, drawing and horses have always been a part of my life. I recall being told I would be found asleep with a crayon in my hand as a kid. As a former Wisconsinite, I underwent my Freshman year at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee in 2015. After the first couple of months, I felt my creative growth was not progressing in the academic arena. Since 2017, I have stepped away from higher education to navigate my journey on my own.

By taking a step back, I have accomplished becoming an Internationally recognized artist, working with brands in the Equestrian community I look up to, and creating my own personal brand. Horses along with drawing them are my absolute passion. Growing up with horses helped me realize the sanity and tranquility their energy transfers into my own life. To be able to draw them has been my ultimate devotion because of this realization. My goal is to recreate the feeling of euphoric emotion you get from their presence as realistically as possible. I specialize in graphite pencil realism but occasionally work with acrylic and watercolor.

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