Life with A.I.


by Frazier Moore

Resin, Screen, Paint, Beads, Plaster

6” x 8” x 7”

About Frazier

Since first entering artworks for exhibit in mid-2024, Frazier Moore has been represented in shows in Hilo, Hawaii; Portland, Oregon; Gig Harbor, Washington; Pawtucket, Rhode Island; Key West, Florida; Denver, Colorado; and New York, New York. Upcoming shows include Monroe, Louisiana, and Sebastopol, California.

After many happy decades as a journalist and critic (most of which time I spent covering television for The Associated Press), I in recent years have traded words for a new creative language: visual art. From metal, resin and plexiglass to rebar, PVC pipe and insulating foam (as well as worthy discards rescued from the curb), I experiment with anything I can accommodate in my Greenwich Village apartment-cum-studio. What a thrill to capture and reflect upon this new material world I have entered, where what I create isn’t just read, but seen and touched and held. It’s a welcome new language I’ve found for myself: no longer words on paper or a screen, but instead in material form and exuberantly hands-on.

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